Co-operative bank - 'wiseman'

'Making Of' 



Leo Burnett via Knucklehead commissioned this film to show the great lengths that the Co-operative Bank went to to ensure that their most recent TV ad, Wiseman, had real authenticity and heart.

The project involved a nine day spell out in Tanzania casting and shooting in Arusha and a small village, called Mlambo, to the east of the Serengeti. I was there to film a basic 'Making Of' plus additional internal films for the Co-operative Bank. 

It was an amazing experience and I had an insight into what it must be like filming those inspirational reportage stories that fill our TV screens. As with all 'Making of's' it's great to see how some very talented people set about organising and capturing material to make a fantastic ad, so respect to the team from Knucklehead.